Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Duties and Responsibilites of Library Staff

Acquisition Section

  1. To develop procedure to meet the needs of the job
  2. To handle personally difficult or important correspondences of problems relating to the ordering of books, serial documents, periodicals, e-resources and other material
  3. To made recommendation to the faculty concerning books
  4. To consult with the heads of the other departments and division concerning the book orders
  5. To notify the faculty of non-expenditure of book fund
  6. To have a material filmed or otherwise reproduced when they are out of print or otherwise unavailable in original
  7. To Interview the publisher representatives, book dealers and other who are interested in building the book collection
  8. To supervise and handling of all gift and exchanges coming into the library
  9. Maintenance and use of dealers catalog, trade list etc
  10. Maintenance of order file “In process file” , and other record essentials to acquisition work
  11. Receipt, handling and inspection of incoming shipments
  12. Packing and shipment of return and exchange material
  13. Preparation of bills for payment, book keeping and other financial activities assigned to the department
  14. Informing individuals recommending the purchasing of books about the status of such recommendation.
  15. Following up on items not promptly received

Periodical section

  1. Selection of Periodical and serials
  2. New periodical ordering
  3. Renewal
  4. Backsets of periodical ordering
  5. Late receipt of periodicals
  6. Non-receipt of periodicals
  7. Non-receipt of missing issues
  8. Display of periodicals
  9. Shelving of periodicals
  10. Recording or registering issues
  11. Checking the record
  12. Administration of periodical work
  13. Circulation of periodical
  14. Binding of periodical

Circulation Section

  1. Registering of members
  2. Lending of books
  3. Charging of over dues
  4. Reservation of books
  5. Renewal of books
  6. Maintenance of records
  7. Maintenance of statistics
  8. Lending books on Inter-library loan
  9. Miscellaneous jobs

Shelving staff

  1. Dusting and cleaning of the shelves for which they are responsible
  2. To bring the newly processed books from the processing section to arrange these books in a classified manner and to shelve these books in a proper manner
  3. To fetch the returned books from the return counter
  4. To regularly read the shelves and rectify the shelves
  5. To take out torn and otherwise mutilated books for sending the same to the binding section for mending purposes
  6. Renewal of tags
  7. To reshuffle the existing books and merging of new books by making room for them. The existing books are to be shifted from one shelf to the other.
  8. To arrange topical sequence containing books on various important subjects or which pertain to various special occasions.


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